Campaign and customer intelligence

Our clients need business intelligence that goes far beyond reporting. We use data and analysis to deliver insights, inform storytelling, and lead to better outcomes for our clients. Our full-service BI team has capabilities across modern data warehouse architecture, custom API development, ETL, instrumentation and report development. We work with a broad set of data sources to ensure that reporting outputs align to your business needs and support the results you're looking for.

How we deliver intelligence

The audience matters

At the start of a project, we consider the different audiences who will see our reports, from executives who want scorecards and KPIs to campaign managers and analysts who need to see what's happening and why.

Our consultative approach

By listening to our clients, we can pinpoint which questions require answers. From there, our process is standardized for efficiency and speed.

  • Capture, access, tag, and analyze data
  • Create design comps so clients can visually review and provide early feedback
  • Deliver prototypes using sample data to enable early user testing
  • Finalize data engineering and publish production reports
  • Sync to discuss results and recommend or directly implement improvements

Optimizing the analysis workflow

As analysts, we hate reports that give us more questions than answers. This means we need to understand what our clients want to know, but also what decisions they will make with the information. While every situation can be unique, we start from the same framework.

  1. Report on performance
  2. Compare benchmarks, targets, or trends to better understand if performance is good or bad
  3. Understand why performance is changing, which requires metadata and additional context without making the report difficult to navigate

How we share our findings

By providing the right tools, clients can take our findings to create the right solution.

We use dashboards that are easy to consume

Our metrics will always align to your product or program goals

We provide direct recommendations for where to go next

Case Studies

LOGE Social and community building


Social and community building

Microsoft Build 2023


Microsoft Build 2023

Seattle Reign FC Insights + Web Optimization

Seattle Reign FC

Insights + Web Optimization

Microsoft Azure Enablement


Azure Enablement

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